After two official training sessions with my personal trainer (PT), he ' texted ' me this morning to say the scheduling conflict we'd be having is no longer working for him, our workout today was canceled and I'm to wait for a new PT to call me. So disappointed. Hopefully, this new PT will be able to accommodate with my schedule, since I'm a full time student, work part time and cannot be at the gym every day. I want and need someone who will commit to me and my goals, so I can go to the beach this summer and enjoy myself in a bathing suit, having fun in the sun and water! I did not workout today and won't be tomorrow, either. I hope to make time for a home workout on Tuesday and should meet my new PT on Wednesday. On the up side, I have been losing weight this week. I'm down 2.4 pounds or so from last week. Maybe it's the fact that I'm now eating 5 times a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner, with a snack in between . I bought myself a single-serv...
- My weight loss journey