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Showing posts from August, 2010

Grade Time

Well, I have failed. Tomorrow marks the 6 th week in my 'Lose 10 Pounds in 6 Weeks' challenge. Last Monday, when I weighed myself, it said I had gained half a pound, putting me at a total of 5.5 lbs. lost in 5 weeks. This completely devastated me and caused a HUGE decline. I ate a bad meal every day this week. It's pathetic and even worse to admit, but I didn't eat as well as I had the past weeks. And I only worked out 3 times this week. I've always made either 4 or 5 days in which I've worked out, but not this week. So, tomorrow morning when I step on the scale, I know it won't show a decrease. And I did nothing two weeks ago that warranted a gain of half a pound. I don't know what happened but I reacted poorly. I plan on getting my act together again tomorrow. I'm hoping all is not loss by the horrible week I had and that good results will continue coming my way. On other news, I have completed my first week of school at my new univers...

New Chapter

Tomorrow marks a new chapter in my life. It's my first day of school at my new university. I'm very excited and surprisingly, not nervous at all. I'll be going there three times a week and working at my old school twice a week. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up the job while taking 5 classes, but I'm hoping for the best and will see how it goes. I have three years at this school, so I can always switch things up next semester if need be. As of last Monday, I'd lost 6 lbs in 4 weeks. I'll be weighing myself tomorrow morning to see how much I lost this past week. Then there's one week left in my 'Lose 10 pounds in 6 Weeks' goal. Things won't stop at that point, as I've gotten myself in a nice workout routine and good eating habits. I can also (slightly) feel a difference in my body, knowing some inches have made their way off. When looking in the mirror, I can't tell a difference and know others can't, either. B...

Good News

So I had a pretty awesome attitude all day today. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Work was more hectic than usual, I stubbed my pinky toe pretty bad and had a dry throat from talking so much. But then I finally realized why: I've lost 6 lbs. so far! After losing another 1.5 pounds this last week, my total for 4 weeks is 6 pounds. That means I have 4 lbs. left to lose in the next 2 weeks in order to reach my short term goal. It doesn't seem like a lot, especially since it took 4 weeks to do, but I feel it's permanent, not just a quick fix from starving . I've been working out 4-5 times each week and haven't gotten tired of it. I want to go farther, surpass my short term goal. Big changes ahead. I'm starting at my university in a week. I've gone from work study to a part time employee at my job. And I don't foresee me at my job for long, due to expecting classwork from taking 5 classes. And I'm totally excited because Thursday nigh...

Two weeks in...

Well, it's been two weeks. Two weeks that I've been very strict about what I'm eating and working out. Last Monday, when I weighed myself, I'd lost 2 lbs. I'll see what the scale says tomorrow. I haven't had fast food in over two weeks! This is a big deal and big accomplishment. But you know what, I haven't been craving it. If I feel the need to stop and get food, I go to a sandwich shop, where I can get good, healthy, fresh ingrediants. I worked out 5 times last week and 4 times this week. I think I'll wait another 2 weeks until I measure myself again. My two friends haven't worked out or been restricting their eating. I told one that they need to start working out. Sure, without them participating, I'm in for an easy win. But I'd rather lose $100 (what we're all offering, at the end of the deal, as a prize) and have my friends lose weight with me. I'm just trying very hard to make sure I do the best that I can.