Well, I have failed. Tomorrow marks the 6 th week in my 'Lose 10 Pounds in 6 Weeks' challenge. Last Monday, when I weighed myself, it said I had gained half a pound, putting me at a total of 5.5 lbs. lost in 5 weeks. This completely devastated me and caused a HUGE decline. I ate a bad meal every day this week. It's pathetic and even worse to admit, but I didn't eat as well as I had the past weeks. And I only worked out 3 times this week. I've always made either 4 or 5 days in which I've worked out, but not this week. So, tomorrow morning when I step on the scale, I know it won't show a decrease. And I did nothing two weeks ago that warranted a gain of half a pound. I don't know what happened but I reacted poorly. I plan on getting my act together again tomorrow. I'm hoping all is not loss by the horrible week I had and that good results will continue coming my way. On other news, I have completed my first week of school at my new univers...
- My weight loss journey